When Humanity and Divinity Converge

An Abecedarian poem based on the Lord’s Prayer

Mary Hood
2 min readAug 10, 2021
Photo by Humble Lamb on Unsplash

Adoration rises from my heart with the dawn as I
Beseech my Heavenly Father to right all wrong
Communion poured out is my daily bread
Drawing me closer to hear what He says
Emanating words pierce these ears
Fragile now I heed what before shed no fear
Grace drips heavy conviction on my soul
Hallow now is deeper than any hand-dug hole
Insidious, this I, I now despise
Jesus takes center stage, He is the one worthy prize
Kaleidoscopic fragments piece together each step
Lay blatant before me my vibrant missteps
Mercy bidden, no malice implied
Nothing between us I feel his scarred sides
Open to follow Him wherever He leads
Praying toward evil I will never concede
Queendoms will bow to her Heavenly King
Relinquish all glory to Jesus Supreme
Submission to Him brings freedom unleashed
Tears down the weak replace with peace
Unmitigated vision affords no excuse
Vulnerability stands face to face with abuse
Warrior and child, my fall and fight a dual effect
Xenia as pollen settles on this mortal flesh
Yahweh, Jehovah, Jesus, King of Kings, Set-
Zed and keep me in your forever AMEN



Mary Hood

Born twice, I die daily. Serious about Jesus. What I write you may not want to read. Okay. I write what I believe and what I learn from others, just like you.